
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Welcome to Silver Spring!

Hello all!

The British students from St. John's School are coming to visit us next week, so for Mr. Mayo's class we were assigned to make a video about what it's like to live in Silver Spring.

I love living in Silver Spring!  It's just such a great area with tons of fun things to do, as well as many great schools.  So, I decided to include some of my favorite places in my area - Sargent Shriver ES and Wheaton Mall.

I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Club

Hello all!  It's been a while since I've posted here.  Hope you all had a nice holiday!

Today's post is about a new club that my boyfriend and I want to start here at Blair.

The club will be for fans of the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  This might sound bizarre, but there is a huge subculture based off of the show.  This subculture is primarily made up of young men and teenage boys.  A fan of the show is called a brony - a blend between "bro" and "pony".  Some female fans choose to be known as a "pegasister" - a blend between "pegasus" (In the My Little Pony universe, a pegasus is one of the three main types of ponies.) and "sister".

There are tons of bronies and pegasisters at Blair High School.  To start, my boyfriend is a brony and I see him in my health class everyday.  A good friend of mine also introduced me to her friend, a pegasister.  At lunch, sometimes I'll see a freshman pegasister who has a backpack of the character Derpy Hooves.  Occasionally I'll see a boy who has a keychain on his backpack of the character Fluttershy.  One time, I had a boy come up to me and give me a fist bump (called a "brohoof" in the brony fandom) because we were both wearing My Little Pony shirts.  One of my boyfriend's close friends is also a brony.  Judging by the number of fans I've seen around school, I think that the club will have substantial membership.

My good friend Juliette recently started an Interfaith Club at Blair.  A few hours ago, I told her about our idea to start a My Little Pony Club and asked her how we would get it started.  She told me that first we'd need to find a teacher to be our club sponsor, as well as a meeting place.  Then, we'll have to write a club constitution based on an existing template.

Tonight we're going to try to start modifying the given template to create our constitution.  We're having some technical difficulties, so I can't say for sure if we're going to have it done tonight or not!  Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Thanks for reading!  Until my next post!

Until then, please enjoy this photo of some My Little Pony pegasus figurines.