
Friday, September 7, 2012

"The Matrix" Movie Review by the NY Times

Matrix Code I decided to use "The Matrix (1999) FILM REVIEW; The Reality Is All Virtual, and Densely Complicated" by Janet Maslin of the New York Times.  You can find it here.  The vast majority of the review consisted of literacy aspects, but some of it was also allotted for cinematic and dramatic aspects.  While Ms. Maslin gives the movie a generally positive review, it was difficult to find actual examples of her directly giving praise.  She revealed just enough of the plot, although she discussed it rather vaguely, to grab someone's interest, but not so much as to give away the ending.  As stated in my annotated version (you can find the link at the bottom of this post), the author uses a praising tone when discussing the film. 

For our quarterly movie review, each of us should have a choice about whether to work individually or in groups of 3-4 people.  Each group will choose a film to review, and watch the movie over the weekend (therefore the assignment should be given towards the end of the week).  Then we'll write our movie reviews, keeping three aspects of a film in mind.  On the following school day, everyone should bring in a draft of their review so that we can peer edit them.  We should highlight each other's drafts, as we did today in class with a movie review online.

You can find the version the movie review that I annotated here.

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